Linda Lancashire Psychic


Linda Lancashire’s Weekly Horoscopes

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If it’s your birthday this week

You are starting to see someone in their true light.  All that glitters is not gold and you should never judge a book by its cover.  People are always sweetness and light in the beginning, but gradually they always reveal their true colours. Some sudden news concerning a close friend or loved one indicates that you are needed to offer help and understanding. If you are disgruntled with your lot at work and feel that everything is red tape and full of restrictions, then its time to either put up and shut up or do something positive to get you out of this situation and make a fresh start. A business venture could also show great promise of success.


March 21 – April 20

Certain people will turn to you for advice and guidance even though at times you are yourself mentally and emotionally exhausted.  They always expect you to perform and make more time for them.  Some don’t even want to pay their way or give you anything in return expecting you foot the bill without a complaint.  Even though you are under so much pressure at work, you will soon come to realise that your job is your salvation and that its good to indulge in some intelligent conversation with people who appreciate what you are trying to do for them.


April 21 – May 21

An old flame may suddenly reappear in your life creating havoc.  Perhaps they want to pick up the pieces and make a fresh start, not realising how far forward you have moved on since you were last together.  Book a holiday and make more time for yourself. You need to relax and unwind, otherwise you will go into overdrive reaching burn out very quickly.  Finances need careful handling, depending upon your outgoings and commitments.  Perhaps its time to put down stronger boundaries regarding how much of other people’s dramas you are prepared to tolerate, or not.


May 22 – June 22

You will neither forgive nor forget easily once you have been deeply wounded or dishonoured.  You are good at wearing a mask to the outside world because you don’t always want other people knowing your business.   There is a spring cleaning session taking place amongst your friends which explains why you are secretly distancing yourself from certain people because you are preparing to connect with new individuals whom you share much more common interests with. Work commitments continue to keep you busy, but you can look forward to moments of enjoyment combined with business.


June 23 – July 23

If there have been misunderstandings and difficult conversations, make it your task to contact the person or people involved and bravely attempt to resolve the problems once and for all.  A financial matter that has been worrying you will sort itself out soon which will feel as though an enormous weight has been lifted from off you shoulders.  Romantically you are about to enter into a passionate romance that could change your life forever. However, it’s important to keep your private life to confidential in order to avoid gossip and uninvited criticism.  You are entering a much happier and fulfilling phase in your personal circumstances.


July 24 – August 23

You may be worrying about your health and how you have been feeling recently.  You are often affected by the weather and will genuinely have lots of muscular aches and pains.  The secret is to exercise and pay more attention to your diet.  If you are single and looking for love and a long-term relationship, do something positive and pro-active about resolving the situation.  There are lots of lovely-unattached individuals out there who are in exactly the same position as you.  The secret is, never give up, as you never know what is behind each corner.  A close friend will turn to you for help and advice.  You will be put in a position of trust.


August 24 – September 23

You will soon be privy to some very important information. You may not like what you hear, but its imperative that you keep confidences to yourself. A lucky windfall of money will also come your way soon that will solve numerous financial pressures. You may have to fit in family commitments between work and business projects. Explain clearly your position because you cannot be in two places at once. Exciting news relating to interviews and meetings will lift your spirits because you will be in a stronger position to start creating some overdue spare time that up until now has not been possible.


September 24 – October 23

There may be occasions when you don’t always enjoy spending too much time alone. Often you tend to function better when you have someone to share life with.  You can be a pain to live with and inconsolable if certain things do not go your way easily, so patience and tolerance is needed if you are to make any positive progress. You have a lot of love to give, but you must refrain from jumping into the deep end into a mediocre relationship that will once again end up resembling a shipwreck. A financial reward or other windfall will give you a much deserved and needed boost.


October 24 – November 22

Someone new is about to make a grand entrance into your social life that will change the course of your soul path forever.  Do not be tempted to trust the wrong people with your secrets,  otherwise you could lose everything you have worked for.  Look forward to a wonderful time ahead romantically and professionally.  You are going to do really well in areas you once doubt yourself in.  There may be a promotion or a complete change of direction that will bring out the best in you. Spend time and money on your home and garden making it as beautiful as possible.


November 23 – December 21

You may feel hurt and disappointed in certain people, but we are all on a learning curve in this life and we only ever learn anything when we are up against adversity, not when we are happy having fun. There will be long tedious conversations with a certain person, but this is necessary if you are going to resolve any kind of disagreement or feud.  It may be necessary to forgive and forget in order to move on.  Plan some long distance journeys, a holiday perhaps and aim to get some rest or just a change of scenery. A long standing friend who has been worrying you for some time will have some wonderful news for you and it may even mean celebrations.


December 22 – January 20

A current romance may become even more intense and meaningful forcing you to re think what was once just a bit of fun as something more permanent and long lasting.  The decision to make a commitment will be the making of you, as you thrive on stability and security.  If you are still frustrated with the state of things at work, you can either consider making a change and jumping ship, or opt for an early retirement, if at all possible.  The state of the economy will have an enormous effect on those who are the kind of business that involves any kind of traveling or the ownership of vehicles.  Some of you may even seriously think of working from home on a more permanent basis.


January 21 – February 19

Circumstances beyond your control will force you into making some life changing decisions once, which could also involve money and property. You will begin to realise just how fragile life can be and how important it is to take things easy, spend more time with loved ones rather than rush about in ever decreasing circles. When you are under any kind of stress, your physical and emotional being is always affected, even though you hold your head up high and try not to complain too much. A new and exciting opportunity to enter a new business relationship will mean you will enjoy a better lifestyle with greater peace of mind.


A true and faithful friend will support you through thick and thin and you will spend may enjoyable hours together.  If you are on the lookout for a new love interest,  someone suitable will come your way, when you stand still and allow fate and destiny to work its magic.  Long distance travel and communication either in your personal or professional life could introduce you some fascinating new people.  Beware of someone who is not wishing you well.  You have always attracted a lot of jealousy just by being the person you are.  You will enjoy an element of success before too long that will contribute to improving your standard of living and lifestyle.