Linda Lancashire Psychic

Angry People Are Not Always Wise


When people refuse to face the consequences of their choices and actions, there are also further consequences to follow. Good manners and politeness cost nothing and will never go out of fashion because they are a must in every society, no exceptions nor exemptions. Too much familiarity can breed contempt together with discontent and irrational behaviour and is often the reason for all failings of character and broken. relationships.

Good manners are all about helping people, including yourself, to feel comfortable, no matter what the situation. They are crucial in making a difference between harmony and conflict at home, work, or even between countries and cultures on the world stage. So much time is wasted waiting for improvements where there is little evidence of any to be observed. Ignorance, a lack of class, education and good breeding is often at the root of all poor behaviour. No case is completely straightforward, but when self-control and decorum is spent, so the argument is lost.

Not everyone has a reason to do bad things, but often they do stuff out of habit and without a clue as to why they are repetitively going round and round in ever decreasing circles whilst blaming everyone and everything for their failures, misdemeanours and disappointments. Self-regulation is not a sign of weakness, it is a sign of strength, moral duty and personal responsibility. The true test of a person’s character is how they behave and conduct themselves in any given situation. If you are hopeful that someone will suffer the consequences for how they hurt your feelings and heart, then you are allowing them to wound you for a second time in your mind. Two wrongs don’t make right, so never lower yourself to anyone else’s level. You are not them, and they can never aspire to be like you.

Perhaps a particular person in your life has stepped out of line, caused offence or just simply made a mistake. They may have said or done something which you have every right to feel upset and disappointed about, but it’s important to be in full possession of the facts rather than jump to conclusions. It is easy to judge, give in to irritation, become provoked, or admonish the culprit, but in such situations, it takes a great deal of effort to remain calm, kind, understanding and gracious. It is in your best interest to always check your own good manners and conduct first and foremost. If in doubt, take some time out and gather yourself. Conflicts and resentments never heal without acceptances and forgiveness. Silence and detachment work beautifully together. Often, least said is soon mended.

An angry person is like a collapsing building that is reduced to rubble as it comes crashing down to rubble. Vexation is a bad habit that is picked up from the ones they spend the most time with. More generally, anger is transmissible, making it a reason why we must always try to seek the company of mild mannered and even-tempered people whilst cultivating friendships that work in harmony with our soul energy. Sometimes a certain lifestyle can debilitate the mind and undermine a person’s sense of perspective. So often those who are accustomed to having everything their own way are more prone to losing their temper and demonstrating rudeness over mere trivia and incidentals on account of their vanity, over inflated egos and disturbing sense of entitlement. Perhaps what they fail to understand and appreciate is that anger and grief only adds to their existing problems and ceaseless pain. Bitterness is like a wasting disease because it consumes the host, but anger is like fire, it burns everything clean and leaves nothing left to salvage.

The more people dislike themselves, the more wretched they become. They use their barbed tongue to cause maximum discomfort and damage, yet for all their dramatics, they never seem to get anywhere nor find the happiness and peace of mind they crave.  Inconsideration and rudeness doesn’t make anyone look nor sound good; it only exposes the real fool that resides beneath their painted mask. Those who are unwilling to check their anger and work with others for the common good are like wasps in a beehive, gorging on the honey of others without making any of their own. The best fighter is never angry.

‘A fierce unrest seethes at the core
Of all existing things
It was the eager wish to soar
That gave the gods their wings
Angry words are lightly spoken,
Bitterest thoughts are rashly stirred
Brightest links of life are broken
By a single angry word.’

Love and light,

Linda and the Lulas xxx

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