Linda Lancashire Psychic

Be The Silent Watcher Of Your Thoughts


Life’s most precious moments are not all loud or uproarious because silence and stillness has its own beauty and meaning. Not everyone can see nor hear it. Perhaps they are afraid of it because it means facing themselves and the reality they are choosing to live in. When you enter the world of stillness, calm and serenity, you awaken the divinity and spirituality within your heart and soul. It is the silence that surrounds you that contains everything you need as it holds all the answers you are seeking. It is the stillness that gives birth to everything you have and everything you will ever need.

Space and silence are two aspects of the same thing. They are externalisations of inner space and inner silence, which is stillness, the infinite creative beginning of all existence and essential to your sanity and personal growth. As you move forwards, not everyone will join you on your journey because they themselves are not ready to learn and experience the next vital lessons of spirituality. Leave them alone in the puddles they are splashing around in because truth will dawn on them sooner or later.

From the moment we awaken, as the alarm goes off, it can feel as though we have been hit by a crossfire hurricane. Our house is chaos, our daily schedule gruelling, as we try to face the day ahead. There is barely a thread holding it all together and there is never enough sleep or time for ourselves. The pressure can be overwhelming and insurmountable, yet to manage our daily chores and profession, it’s important to create the time needed to rest and reflect so that we might find the inner peace and calm we crave. We need the quiet that comes from stillness and serenity so as to restore and reboot our ailing batteries. We need to press the reset button to avoid crash and burn.

Within your inner soul resides a pounding heart and secret thoughts and feelings known only to you. Quietness and silence is a form of power. Thoughtful and wise people are not necessarily talkative and noisy. They are private beings and almost invisible by choice because they have acquired wisdom along their soul journey and have no need to belong to other people’s gangs and social circles.  An inability to remain silent is one of the conspicuous failings of people who cannot be trusted to keep their own council. Only in quiet waters do things mirror themselves undistorted, everything else is just one continuous blurry vagueness. Only in a calm and quiet mind can there be an adequate perception and understanding of the world.  Those who dislike your silence are incapable of comprehending your words nor anything about you. They are afraid of being with themselves. Silence is the most eloquent reply you can give in any situation because it says everything and nothing.

The best cure for the mind, body and soul is a place of splendid isolation is only a place of peace which is devoid of all disturbances and distractions. Your imagination and intellect will function so much more accurately and efficiently when you don’t have to speak to people or listen to their incessant chattering and complaining. Noise and muffled sounds can be an irritant. Empty vessels make the most noise. You don’t have to become you don’t need to. The world is much quieter when you are alone and it’s harmonious frequencies are necessary for your good health and sanity. It is basking in the quiet sense of something not quite lost, but what can neither be seen nor heard which is perfectly beautiful and reassuring. There are very few friends who will comfortably sit with you in the silence of the darkness, in the middle of the night, without uttering a word. No questions and no judgment. No erratic displays of emotion or drama, they just sit quietly by your side keeping you company and sharing the moment. Just because you don’t say much doesn’t mean people don’t notice you. It’s often the quietest ones who attract the most interest and attention. Words that are not uttered cannot be misinterpreted nor twisted. Choose your words and companions wisely.

Delve down deeply into your silentness and never submit to the external interferences of restless creatures who are increasingly troubled and unable to understand themselves. Many can only exist amongst turbulence and uncertainty because they see it as exciting whilst grasping at straws. When their castles in the skies evaporate, they quickly move on starting the whole process again at a different destination. And so, the wheel of fortune turns.

By retreating into meditative reflection, we can overcome much which is overwhelming and difficult to bear. True intelligence operates silently. In the depths of your own soul there is a sanctuary where you can hear the whisper of your heart and where inner strength and courage can be found. Do not hold onto a past that no longer serves you but embrace the stillness that is saving you and preparing you for the next chapter.

‘When I am silent let me rest alone,
Oh! shut the door twixt me and anxious care;
For these are hours that I wish for my own
The hours of rest that mend the daily wear.
I sat in silence
letting the sky talk back to me
in all its glory prayers
please wishes fall silently into the void,
the universe is tired.’

Love and light,

Linda and the Lulas xxx

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