Linda Lancashire Psychic

Choose Your Friends Wisely



Don’t blame the world for your bad luck as most of them were brought on by your choices and decisions. We should change what we can and endure what we cannot, and every day, every hour, moment and second begins with you making a choice. You alone choose your company and friends, no one else. You can either stay or walk away. We are all energy workers vibrating on our own personal frequencies. We attract towards us not what we want, but what we are, nothing more nor less.

Keeping bad company is unhealthy and can affect our health badly in all sorts of ways. This is because when a relationship is toxic, or if our company is full of knaves who behave disrespectfully, we can soon pick up their bad habits by our association with them. It’s not possible to change another person, but we can withdraw our services and the attention we choose to give them. We don’t have to agree or approve of their conduct, especially if it’s not conducive to ours. We must never lower our standards to please or fit in with their stupidity. If companions are dirty, their friends cannot help but get a little dirty too, no matter how clean they started out because birds of a feather will always flock together.

Behaviours are contagious, so which ones are you being influenced by based on the company you keep?  The people we keep company are hugely important because they determine our moral compass and influence how we think and affect our reputation. The friends you have and the company you keep will make or break who you are, so you ought to weigh up carefully all the positives and negatives.

By looking in a mirror we find a reflection of our own appearances, but your friends are also a reflection of you. What we project externally is a direct reflection of what we are feeling and experiencing internally. We see ourselves in other people’s eyes as they also see themselves in us, and we don’t always like what we see. There is always a good reason for that. Reflect on your present blessings, of which we all have plenty, and choose not to wallow in the past because that has now already gone. Just learn from your experiences and move on. You need to let some light into whatever darkness you may currently be in because there is a solution or an alternative to all things.

Friends, well-chosen show us positive pictures of ourselves and encourage us to grow into them. Negativity illuminates the very worst in ourselves and makes us know it’s true. Your association with certain people can be the reason of either your successes or failures. The people you call friends and the company you keep will go a long way to determining who and what sort of person you truly are.

The Company You Keep:

‘A farmer went to the market one day
To buy another ass for his farm.
He had a few in his stable already,
But adding one more would do no harm.
He came across a nice-looking beast,
In wonderful shape. No denial.
But in order for him to be sure,
He asked if he could take it on trial.
“I want to know what he’s like,” he said.
“And see how my other animals find him.”
The owner agreed, and the farmer left.
The ass plodded along behind him.
“I hope he’s like my better workers.
The other ones are as slow as molasses,”
The farmer mumbled. Back at the farm,
He put the ass with the other asses.
After surveying the new surroundings,
The new ass felt that he was able
To choose wisely, and so he befriended
The laziest, greediest ass in the stable.
After observing the ass’s behaviour,
Immediately, that same afternoon,
The farmer returned the beast to the owner,
Who was surprised to see him so soon.
“Back already?” the owner said.
“I guess he didn’t pass your test.
How did you decide so quickly?
Didn’t he get along with the rest?”
“It didn’t take me long to see
His true nature,” the farmer replied.
“He sidled up to the laziest ass
In the stable as soon as he got inside.”
To figure out the moral here,
We don’t have to dig very deep:
People can know a lot about us
By the company we keep.’



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