Linda Lancashire Psychic


Hello Readers,


Over the years I have met and watched the way so many successful people have chosen to live, and I don’t mean successful as in having lots of money or a big shot career.  In fact, some of the most successful and happiest people I have met live incredibly frugally, simply and reclusively, preferring to remain under the radar and out of public glare.  In my opinion, these people have ‘cracked it’, because they have discovered the secret on inner peace, happiness and contentment. These are people you could not wipe the inner smile off their souls and faces even if you had tried.  Most successful people have a sense of their own dignity.  What I mean about this is that they are all fairly solid in themselves and have worked out who they are and what exactly they are about.  They have no need to show off, brag or impress others about who they are and what they have.  They don’t need to draw attention to themselves because they are not particularly interested in what other people think of them, they are too busy getting on with their own lives.  They maintain decorum, not because they are afraid of making fools of themselves, but because they simply cannot be bothered with attention seeking behaviour. 


The moment you stop comparing yourself to others because it undermines your worth, education and sound judgement, you will begin to gain confidence and a feeling of wellbeing.  The moment you realise that someone you cared for has nothing intellectually or spiritually to offer you except a headache is the precise time you realise that you have better things to do with your time then spend it with people who are not worthy of you.  The moment when you realise that no one is your enemy, except yourself is when you begin to take control of your life and start doing things you enjoy rather than forever succumbing to being a people pleaser. 


If you want to achieve that feeling of wellbeing and inner contentment, then it’s important to show poise, gravitas and be a bit separate from the rest of the herd. Lead by example by always being polite and considerate to others because first impressions count, you never ever get a second chance because people have very long memories.  Dignity is about showing self-respect and having a quiet self-esteem.  Never respond to people who are rude to you.  They behaviour reveals who they are and their weakness of character.  Learn from these experiences and maintain your dignity with silence.  No relationship is ever worth sacrificing your self-respect and happiness for.  Knowing when to walk away is wisdom, being able to is showing signs of possessing great courage and walking away with your head held high is dignity.  Be the person you want to be without ever losing your dignity.  It’s amazing how others will admire and respect you and hold you in even greater esteem when you start the ball rolling. 


Self-respect is the root of all discipline and a sense of dignity grows with the ability to say ‘no’, and everyone deserves a certain amount of dignity, no matter how poor or damaged the shell that carries it. 


Until Next Week


Love and Light,


Linda and The Lulas xxx

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