Linda Lancashire Psychic

Distance Over Disrespect

Hello Readers

Poisonous relationships will cloud your vision and dramatically drain your energy. People have wasted much time adjusting their personal boundaries whilst justifying another person’s disrespect when it would have been so much easier and a lot less painful to simply adjust their lives to the absence of their toxic friends.

There are bound to be occasions when our heart can grow cold towards a person because of their disregard for our feelings no matter how close we once were. Understand that when you are being taken for granted, deceived and used, and when your feelings have not been considered, then it’s time to detach from the offending people and disassociate yourself. If a person disrespects themselves and others, they will not remain loyal and trustworthy to you either. Many a true word is said in jest. A joke can sound like a joke whilst an insult sounds like an insult. Those people who try to be funny and humorous will often deliberately try to smuggle some insult into their jokes. Being critical is not the same as being disrespectful because they are two entirely different things, but it’s important to recognise the difference. Hold yourself back or heal yourself back together, only you can decide which it is going to be. Whatever word or action you send out to the universe you will receive back, so be careful for what you wish because you just may get it. Always remember that your words have great power and meaning, but once uttered they can never be retracted. It’s so easy to slowly let someone get comfortable disrespecting you. It’s important for your own well-being to put down some strong boundaries for emotional self-defence. There comes a time when the givers of this world must protect themselves because the takers have no interest in protecting you. If you want an easier life for yourself, then be more discerning with your choice of companions.

When you try to be still for a while and the mist begins to clear, you will be able to see with greater clarity things that you had never fully noticed before. If others see your truth as a sign of disrespect because it conflicts with their own beliefs or excuses, then there is nothing you can ever say or do to convince them differently. People will only believe what they want to believe. Shame, blame, disrespect, betrayal and the withholding of affection can damage the roots from which love grows from. Love can only survive these injuries if they are acknowledged, healed and respected. If you tolerate disrespectful behaviour, it will only get worse over time. Those who disrespect you with their mouth don’t deserve your ear. Every time we choose our past over our present, we kill our future. There will always be obstacles and choices, but duty to yourself is to choose which path leads to the best outcome.

Breaking away from certain people can sometimes be the most difficult thing you will have to do in and also the most important. Stop being linked to those who no longer vibrate on the same frequency as you. Your natural instinct is to do whatever you can to win the good graces of everyone you can, but it’s also the drive that will steal your time, your energy, and your sanity. The truth is that you are not for everyone, and not everyone is for you. This is what makes it so special when you find the few people you have a genuine friendship, love, or relationship with because you will recognise just how precious this spiritual connection is. What you give each day is what will create more of in your life. What you give your time to is what will define your existence. When you become aware of this you will begin to understand why you are so anxious when you spend your time with people who do not contribute anything of any value or significance to your life. Gradually you will begin to realise that the most important thing you can do for yourself is to protect your energy more fiercely than ever before.

If they don’t respect, you then simply ignoring them is a relief. You have never been, nor ever will be wrong for choosing yourself.

‘Away from the sun to sit with a candle,
he walked away from the moon to sit with the night.
Making better choices’.

Love and light,
Linda and the Lulas xxx

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