Linda Lancashire Psychic

Do You Know Who You Are?

Hello Readers,

Always look ahead, never down otherwise that’s where you will end up going. You know what you are, but not what you may become if you believed in yourself more and stopped listening to the negativity of the losers who regularly whisper rubbish in your ear. The greatest setback can lead to your greatest breakthrough. Trust and believe that all things are working together for your greater good and always try to be better today than yesterday. Success isn’t measured by money, power or social status, but by your discipline, inner peace and capabilities. Success is found upon attention to detail to all the little insignificant things that others ignore and overlook, much to their detriment, but to your advantage. It’s about not being taken for a fool and the refusal to give up at the first hurdle and staying ahead of the game.

There is no denial that all things are possible in life, but most importantly, don’t forget to take care of your health because without it too many things would become virtually impossible. Unfortunately, the clock is ticking, the hours are going by, the past increases and the future recedes. You are either going to do something positive about improving your current position or you are not. The choice is yours.

You have been through worse than this before and managed to survive this far. You are much better equipped than you give yourself credit to overcome anything life throws at you, even though you are tired of fighting and battle weary.

Somewhere amidst all these dark storms are lessons to be learnt and silver linings to be discovered. The complex emotions that flow within your heart, deep down into the depths of your inner being are necessary for your spiritual growth and development. No one ever said anything was going to be easy. You won’t manage to accomplish anything without making a few sacrifices in order to stay alive and wake up to a brand new day. Stay alert and always sleep with one eye open.

In good times and in the darkness try to be that bright lantern which glows in the shadows guiding others to walk on the side of safety and righteousness as well as yourself. It is only when you are seriously tested that the strength of your real character is able to surface to the forefront. Bravely face turbulent and difficult storms with continuous prayer, unwavering faith and unending hope by never losing sight of your goals. In some cases your work as spiritual energy worker is not for the faint hearted, but you will never know what you are made of until you step into the fire and dance with the flames of destiny.

Talent is only a starting point. To make your mark in this life and to leave behind a rich legacy, you have to be prepared to work very hard, even when others have failed and given up along the way. Believe, expect and receive.

Love and Light,

Linda and The Lulas

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