Linda Lancashire Psychic

Festive Greetings


Christmas sentimentality is a time for plunging into the festive fun as the season wraps itself around you like a warm, cosy wrap, but it warms more than just your body, it warms your heart mind spirit and soul with a beautiful, sentimental haunting melody that will last for all eternity. Christmas is about giving, loving, forgiveness and reconnecting on a much deeper spiritual level than in previous times. It is a time of year to remind us that we are here for something far greater and more important than indulging in feelings of entitlement and remembering to care about those in need and who have found themselves in some dark, hapless circumstances. The most beautiful gift you can give anyone this Christmas is your love and friendship.

You are never so lost that your Angels cannot find you, lift you up from out of the doldrums and help you to start over again. Christmas brings with it a sweet, internal peace that represents the power of love, kindness, compassion, empathy and charity. It is an honest spirit of love that reaches out to all humanity and nature. It is the powerful force that moves us to give what we can, love unconditionally and to be that friend in need to anyone who is struggling at this very special, yet emotionally difficult time for all kinds of reasons. Christmas can have a different meaning for each individual for so many personal reasons. It can either be a time of great joy, or it represents the depths of despair depending upon each individual and their personal circumstances. Christmas isn’t just about a date in the calendar, but a time for deep thought and reflection. For some people it has long since lost its magic because of all the changes that have taken place in their lives and all of what is currently happening in this very troubled world and damaged planet we call home. Christmas is a time to put aside our differences and try to reach out to others. It’s about engaging with other souls. Sending out a greeting and passing the time of day is important because our gestures of acknowledgment and unity can help to heal shattered hearts. A single conversation and act of kindness can so easily help another struggling, lonely soul.  Not everyone is fortunate enough to have a living family, or even a close friend. Not everyone has someone to turn to during their hour of need. Besides all the joyous frivolity and partying taking place amongst friends and loved ones, just be mindful that there is also a tremendous amount of loneliness and desperation hidden away in some of the darkest shadows imaginable.

For centuries we have kept an appointment with Christmas. We put aside whatever we are doing and start our preparations, no matter how grand or humble they may be. It is not so much about the gifts and greeting messages that makes it special, but fond memories of all the togetherness, feelings of love, and the unity with others that count the most. It is a deep, heartfelt, fervent wish that every cup may overflow with blessings that become richer as time passes by. It’s about a pilgrimage in trying to discover eternal love and peace. Just to be able to hug, kiss and hold another living being is priceless. Count your blessings one by one and always spare a kind thought for the homeless, the hungry, the bereaved, the lonely, the isolated the ill and the desperate. Never take life for granted because it can all end without a moment’s notice.  Nothing is guaranteed. Never take anyone or anything for granted because our lives are not set in stone. We only ever have this moment in time.

Throughout this very difficult and challenging year, we are now starting to appreciate what is important, and all that is not. It’s about our love for all things living and becoming aware of the sheer fragility of life and how quickly everything can all be taken away from us that we are being made more and more aware of.  It’s important for our own survival and our beautiful planet that we all unite in our healing prayers because that is perhaps the only way through. Always show gratitude for what you have today because there are always people who are struggling and having to cope under the most difficult and horrendous of circumstances. Always remember to say, ‘thank you’.

The Lulas and I would like to thank you for all your continuing kindness, friendship and support throughout the year. Thank you so much for all your beautiful Christmas cards, letters, gifts and messages. I have tried to phone you and make contact to say hello and thank you personally for taking the time and love to remember us. All so much appreciated. We are wishing everyone, your family and friends, good health, happiness and prosperity in the New Year which awaits you. Never stop believing in miracles because your Angels are always walking by your side, even during the darkest of time and always hold the magic and love of Christmas in your heart forever.

‘I heard the bells on Christmas Day,
Their old familiar carols play,
And wild and sweet.
The words repeat,
Of peace on Earth,
And goodwill to men.’

Love and Light,
Linda and The Lulas xxx





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