Linda Lancashire Psychic

Find People Who Are Kind To You And Others


Understand that if they want it or you, they will show it. No one is going to let something good slip away unless they are sadly lacking in themselves, thus making poor judgements all their lives. If their absence brings you peace, it says more about you than them. Sit alone for a while and you will find all your answers within your deeper self and understanding.
You cannot force people to be the same as you, nor to love you. Lots are lost souls looking for something they cannot hold onto, sustain nor deal with in a crisis, hence they run away taking their unresolved issues with them. Much of the time they are beyond help and have brought their problems upon themselves by ignoring their instincts and playing to their insecurities. Some are not ready to talk nor admit where they went wrong. They are unable to love or offer anything in return. It’s always someone else’s fault, never theirs. A sense of entitlement begins to surface, and this is where the rescuers of this world get taken in because they are on a mission to save someone and become a hero, but it’s a fool’s mission because it never works indefinitely.
We all have bad days, but we know we must get over them. The anxieties you are feeling won’t last once you take control of your life by changing your outlook and mindset. Find the courage to break away from toxicity and walk away from anything or anyone one who wears the stench of dishonesty about them. No second chances nor giving them the benefit of the doubt otherwise that decision will inevitably be to your cost and detriment. Some people leave to make you stronger and at other times they disappear so that you can fall in love with yourself.
When you find yourself in a tough situation, it’s because the universe is preparing you for something better, which will come when the time is right. All of your previous experiences have brought you to this point in time today so have no regrets. What will be will be. The most important day of your life is when you realise your self-worth, not only for the world, but for yourself. Knowing how irreplaceable you are takes your life to a whole new level and giving it a completely different meaning to before. You become the best version of yourself when you know the value of self-love and your true worth.
It’s a beautiful thing to fall in love with yourself over and over again. Remind yourself that you are worth it and that sometimes, it is perfectly acceptable to think about yourself first before you think about someone else.
Even during your most loneliest moments you have been there for yourself.

‘I am who I am.
Who else would I be.
I won’t change for you.
So why change for me
I won’t waste my life.
Being someone, I cannot be.
Because I’m not a fake
Unwilling to break
Get used to what you see.
I’m going to be me’.


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