Linda Lancashire Psychic

Go After What You Want

Hello Readers,

Ask yourself what you can do today that will help to make you grow and test your strengths and personal limits, and after that, take one small step forwards. Go ahead, be brave, you have nothing to lose but everything to gain. Have a courageous go at turning at least one impossible into a possible and you will discover that that is just the beginning of an exciting new journey along a pathway which had not opened up to you until now, until this very moment in time.

Your environment, friends and even family can sometimes be against what you want to really do with your life because they do not believe you are capable of aspiring and achieving such goals. This is because they do not really believe in themselves and are projecting their own self-doubts and life disappointments directly at you, it’s so that you do not become too big headed and learn to know your place and stay in the same position as they have chosen to remain, its so that they do not look significant by making such negative choices in life.

Your success will only serve to show you up as being a winner and show them up as losing out on life. Perhaps it’s now that a blind leap of faith is needed for you to take action and do something positive about improving your current circumstances.

As time goes by, I am beginning to believe that some people are not afraid of failure, but rather of success. When a person really wants something so badly it hurts, they will find a way of accomplishing it. We owe it to ourselves to continually push forwards, test ourselves and be interested in growing, evolving and learning new stuff daily and give it our very best, no matter what the results because even if things do not go well today, there is always tomorrow.

Take one small step each day in the direction of your choice and at the end of a period of time when you look in the mirror you will realise that the successful and happy person you are looking at is ‘you’.

Until Next Week,
Love and Light,

Linda and The Lulas xxx

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