Linda Lancashire Psychic

Goodbye To A Love That Shines For You No Longer


Future love does not exist. Love is a present activity only. Anyone who does not understand love in the present does not experience it.  The emotional side of love is a difficult concept to understand, it has to be felt and lived through with all its paradoxes and complexities. Have you ever had to part with a friend or a loved one but couldn’t summon the right words to leave them with? Saying goodbye does not always feel like the right way to put aside feelings of longing for a loved one for a later time. It was never meant to be an easy task, in fact, it’s probably the hardest and most painful procedures of all. Maybe the idea that a goodbye feels abrupt and almost final makes it so often filled with sorrow and regret. It is here that the phrase ‘until we meet again’ comes into play. Can distance truly separate you from friends and loved ones? If you want to be with someone you love, you will always be with them in spirit. The reason it hurts so much to separate is because our souls are connected into infinity and beyond eternity. Memories are links in a golden chain that bind us together until we are reunited again one day whenever and wherever. Only in the agony of parting do we look into the depths of love and write about it.

Sometimes we awaken one morning and realise that we have outgrown certain people or situations. What was once important no longer holds any interest or magic. Your involvement with it has run its course, there is nothing more left to say because it’s all been said before. There is nothing new and you are not interested in going round and round in circles. You may even question why you stayed so long? Some problems don’t require a solution to solve them,  instead they require the maturity to outgrow them and leave them behind. There are times when you have to cut ties with people who are not good for you. The love isn’t necessarily lost, but the connection between you isn’t healthy either.

It’s interesting how, when you have announced that you are leaving, it is as if you are already gone, even if your physical departure is not today, but later. Some people will begin to erase you from their lives a lot quicker than you might have expected. Out of sight, out of mind. You can say anything you want to someone you think you may never see again, so what stops you from saying those same things when you were presented with the right opportunity? Perhaps you secretly knew it would never last. Even when we leave a place, we leave our memories behind and they will represent us in our absence because all energy is eternal, which means that the residue of us and our vibrations will always continue to exist in every place we visited.

It’s not easy to know how to say goodbye. Some will feel bereaved whilst others relieved. Some goodbyes are not forever, nor final. You endure what is unbearable, and you bear it, that is all. Sometimes love can be filled with disappointment, and that the search for a cure almost invariably ends up being self-destructive. Most people don’t fall out of love at the same time. One person always wants more than the other person can give, which will eventually lead to heartbreak and bitterness. You can’t love anyone in a certain way more than once in a lifetime. It’s too hard, and it hurts too much when it ends. Once there are no more obstacles to overcome, no sudden closeness to achieve, the eyes open the windows to deception and lies, when two intimate hearts become strangers again, that’s how the love dies.

‘Remember me and smile, it’s better to forget than to remember me and cry.
You have changed me forever and I will never forget
Time was spent or time was tossed,
Life was loved and life was lost’.

Love and light,

Linda and the Lulas xxx

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