Linda Lancashire Psychic

Happiness Isn’t Found In Things


Wisdom consists of knowing how to distinguish the nature of trouble and in having the capacity in choosing the lesser of the two evils. What spiritually aware people seek in themselves, the exact same things are what the unconfident person will seek is in others. They need approval and validation because they don’t trust themselves enough to make decisions and will feel envious of those who can and do. Anyone who stands proud knowing that they can trust their instincts and don’t feel the need for approval will be the most feared person on the planet because they are strong and comfortable in their own space. They can control and focus their mind in any direction they choose to. When you are content and at peace with yourself, only then will you start making choices that will yield fruitful outcomes. Self-belief is more important than endless worrying of what others opinions may be of you. Value yourself and others will value and respect you in response to your actions. Your best work will always comes from within your inner being and it’s perfectly acceptable if others choose not to understand. In fact, even their presence is not remotely relevant.

Not every road we encounter is the one we must take. Sometimes just remaining still is the wisest option. Silence and none action can be magnificently powerful in the right circumstances. You have nothing to prove or explain because your soul journey is unique to you and cannot be compared to anything. You have lived most of your life in the quiet unseen darkness outside of the spotlight, slowly going about your business troubling no one. Your soft footsteps can barely be heard as you become increasingly invisible to prying eyes. No one has the right to pass judgement, and neither must you bend to their rules and expectations. After all, who are they to dictate how best to live your life. Your daily battles are roadmaps that must be adhered to because we are all a result of our past experiences. Always guard your secrets and your heart because rarely can anything nor anyone be relied upon or trusted.  It can take a very long time to get to know people, but no one ever really knows anyone, they only think they do. Your spirit continues to learn patience whilst your mind never seems quite free from the sword of your enemies. Refuse to surrender to submission, nor change yourself to please or accommodate others because they won’t appreciate nor respect you for such a sacrifice. You are beautiful and perfect just as you are, and your glowing inner light is constantly helping you to reach the deepest of valleys and the most treacherous of mountainous terrains at the highest point of their calling. Many will not understand your journey nor your transition from chrysalis to a butterfly, but then, why would they? Dignity will only happen when you realise that having someone in your life doesn’t validate your worth. Nothing ever goes away until it has taught you what we need to know and learn. Things have a miraculous way of working out, but first, patience is needed because everything is about timing. You can literally feel when it’s time to move onto the next chapter and when it’s time to bid farewell. It takes nothing to run with the crowd, but everything to stand alone. You are constantly being presented with two choices, evolve or repeat. Love doesn’t destroy people, it’s the people who destroy the love.

From this day forwards never again overthink heartache, and may your fragility always be met with grace.

‘And maybe,
In the end
We are all just lost souls
Intoxicated on the idea
That only love
Can heal our brokenness.’

Love and light,
Linda and the Lulas xxx

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