Linda Lancashire Psychic

Keep An Open Mind On The Sacred Road


Refuse to limit yourself by standing still instead of discovering new areas of expertise and adventure. By taking a logical stance, you can find positive perceptions, despite some of the negative things which annoyingly hinder you along your journey. It is how our mind perceives our environment which determines our ability to understand and define some of the occurrences that are happening in the world around us.  Every now and again our thinking is challenged and stretched by new ideas, innovations and a multitude of sensations. As you progress and evolve, you can never return back to your old life without risking previous problems and experiences repeating themselves. The only way is forwards. The measure of intelligence is the ability to adapt, change and go with the flow of the energy refusing to be stopped by anything or anyone which threatens to prevent our growth.

Be open to all eventualities because life can change without warning in a split second. A spoon of salt in a glass of water makes the water undrinkable, yet a spoon of salt in a lake is barely noticeable. Opening your mind to all possibilities and not limiting your beliefs can cause miracles to happen whilst opening pathways to infinity. When we are unable to change something that has already been written in the book of destiny, we are always presented with an opportunity to surrender to the heart and find another pathway leading to peace and eternal serenity. The path that reveals itself is the path you are meant to follow,. Everyone’s journey is unique to them. We may have had similar experiences, but our journey is unique to us alone.

Your life. choices and actions are your responsibility, no one else’s. You will always have two choices, either remaining stagnant or willing to push outwardly beyond your boundaries of limitation and extreme fear whilst discovering mystical realms you didn’t even know existed. Along your journey you are always going to encounter external disturbances because it’s the experience of living and self-discovery that moulds us into who we are today. As well as dark days there will also be days of happiness, laughter and joy. Somewhere amidst all the madness and insanity you will find the strength to create a healthier balance of power within the perimeters of your limitations.

We are living in strange and peculiar times where any future is not guaranteed. We didn’t invite these problems, they were forced upon us, so all we can do is our best under the circumstances. Happiness and freedom of spirit are often the same thing. There are no wrong turnings, only paths we had not previously known that we are destined to walk. No one saves us but ourselves, no one can, and no one may. They can only love and support us during our most difficult of times. No one should interfere with the flow of water and energy because it is a force which must be free to go where it may all by itself. If anything in nature is interfered with, the outcome may so easily be irreversibly lamed or damaged. Sometimes it is necessary to take a few steps back from other people’s dramas to save ourselves.

Life is filled with unanswered questions, but it is the courage to seek the answers that give meaning to understand your soul purpose. You can spend all of your time wallowing in despair miserably wondering why you were the one who was led towards the road strewn with pain, or you can be grateful that you were strong enough to survive it and live to see another day. The road to enlightenment is long and difficult, so you should try not to forget refreshments, snacks, a good book and your internal compass along your journey.

‘The Road goes ever on and on
Down from the door where it began.
Now far ahead the Road has gone,
And I must follow, if I can,
Pursuing it with eager feet,
Until it joins some larger way
Where many paths and errands meet.
And whither then? I cannot say’.

Love and light,
Linda and the Lulas xxx

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