Linda Lancashire Psychic

Less Clouded By Emotions And Indifferent To Trivial Issues


Attachment is the great fabricator of illusions, whereas reality can be obtained only by someone who is detached because the further you can stand back, the greater the clarity. Always remember that you were once alone, and that the very people you see in your life today are just as unnecessary now as when you were alone. How different would your life be if you somehow managed to cut loose and detach yourself from all the toxic people who try to involve you in their drama filled lives? For a start, you would feel less burdened by their negativity less likely to be gas lighted and manipulated, and you would have more time to be analytical because distance provides a unique perspective.

There will always be people who choose to engulf themselves in a toxic, drama fuelled life that is guaranteed go from bad to worse, to worse to worse.  What also accompanies it is their desire to drag everyone else into their world of chaos, and inability to comprehend the damage their choices and subsequent actions have on both them and others, nor undo the damage. Every label they give themselves because a prison becomes, they have so much to live up to. The higher they go, the harder they fall. Stand back, pull away, don’t allow yourself to be guilty by association.

Love yourself enough to break any toxic cycle you may have become caught up with and care enough about yourself enough to take the actions required for your happiness and personal wellbeing. Remove yourself from the ties of nonsense and find the inner strength and courage to move on and be free. It’s important to belong to yourself, and allow others belong to themselves without any external interference. Their life path is not yours. Remain detached from all the things that you have outgrown and are now surplus to requirement. Rebuild your home in your own simple existence, not with the influence of friends, partners, your career or material possessions because these are all things you will lose one day. This is the natural order of this world.

This is called the practice of detachment.
‘I’ll detach myself from the crowd if it hinders my growth,
I’ll fall from the tree that won’t let me grow.’

Love and light,

Linda and the Lulas xxx

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