Linda Lancashire Psychic

Life Is Not Happening To You, But Responding To You

Hello Reader,

Confidence is not about being liked by people, but feeling very okay if they don’t. Sometimes you don’t have to say a word but sit back and listen. The quieter you are, the more you can hear. The less you say, the more they speak. When you stop chasing them, they come towards you. If they are destined to be in your life, they will be. No one is coming to rescue you from yourself, your inner demons, lack of self-worth and ailing confidence. The attitude of an eye for an eye will only serve to make the whole world blind. You cannot change what you refuse to confront.

It’s not so much what belongs to you, but what you belong to. The mind is accumulative by nature because it gets satisfaction by acquiring knowledge and enjoying self-assurance. Consciousness is inherently unison because it has no separateness. It thrives on mental stimulation and emotional nourishment found in the depths of your soul. If you live life through the mind it will read like a checklist of what belongs to you, whereas, if you experience your existence from the perspective of consciousness, you will begin to see just how much and what you belong to. To look at life through this perspective is to understand that the idea of accumulation is valueless because it is spiritual aspiration, not materialistic wealth that brings happiness and inner peace.

Don’t live for other people’s expectations or praise, instead, discover your own strengths and gifts and talents. Live according to your own beliefs and high standards whilst always endeavouring to be true to yourself. Never be tempted to lower your sights just to please others because they won’t be willing to do the same for you. A healthy self-worth comes from you loving and caring for yourself first and foremost. If you position yourself at the bottom of the food chain, that is where you will stay. Pursue what sets your heart on fire, not what the world deems necessary. Never be in a hurry, do everything quietly and in a calm spirit. Do not lose your inner peace for anything whatsoever, even if your whole world seems upset and in a difficult place because in time all things will pass. Want for nothing but what is given to you. What is meant for you won’t go past you. With self-acceptance you will no longer feel the need to constantly seek validation and assurances from others. Slowly, you will begin to realise that your own love and care for yourself is enough. It is from this place of inner strength that your power and presence will radiate even more brightly for others to bask in. Perhaps they may even learn something useful? There is no need to constantly engage in internal struggles and battles because each experience is a learning curve as important lessons must be learned if any progress is to be made. What could be more futile and insane than to create inner resistance to something that already is? If you cannot find peace within yourself, you will never find it anywhere else.

The day you changed is the day you stopped trying to fit into a world that never actually fitted in with you. Go where your energy is reciprocated, celebrated and appreciated. It’s time to start again.

‘Survival comes at a price.
We prepare for the worst,
and hope for the best,
by straying from the rest
And that is how a journey.
Started with,
not a myth,
but a choice’

love and light,

linda and the Lulas xxx

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