Linda Lancashire Psychic

Never Love Anyone Who Treats You Like You Don’t Exist


Time can change the magical to the mundane in an instant. Sometimes we worry that others will realise that we are so ordinary and without any fuss or sensationalism that they fail to understand or see our uniqueness and true worth. But love doesn’t need you to be extraordinary, just be yourself and everything which is destined for you will always find you. Life is made more of struggles and challenges than celebrations. It is littered with more failures than victories.

It is made less of yes than of no. The difference between ordinary people and the restless seeking the bright lights is that they simply did not allow themselves to be on the ground for long enough to appreciate nor understand what is required of them. Ordinary, well-grounded people believe only in the possible. Negative people visualise not what is possible nor probable, but rather what is impossible.  By visualising their intentions, they begin to see everything as a great possibility. And as with everything, we become what we think about and are responsible for our own actions.

Discover important life lessons when you are being challenged and tested, and all the beautiful miracles in the unexpected and mundane. Perhaps your seemingly unremarkable life is what has saved you from an unsuitable existence far beyond your comprehension. Maybe you unwittingly dodged a silver bullet. Everything happens for a reason. Often people who chase excitement, sparkles and quick fixes are severely disappointed when they discover all which glitters isn’t gold after all, but an expensive illusion, especially when their new pretend friends abruptly disappear. Drama queens and narcissists are incredibly selfish and such hard work and high maintenance. Trying to deal with too many highs and lows coupled with erratic mood swings can be very stressful and tiresome. The calm and level-headed types are always better liked, sought after and respected. Sometimes it’s what you are holding onto that causes the most pain. Keep your dignity and never lower your standards by begging anyone to stay. Instead, just hold the exit door wide open for them and wish them a safe journey. After they have vacated you will soon see that it is their loss and your gain.

Take time during your busy day to reflect on how fortunate you really are. It may not be all that you want, and you may feel sadly lacking in some departments, but remember someone somewhere is dreaming to have what you have and would gladly exchange places. It’s all too easy to the most make the least of what you have whilst craving for the unobtainable. It’s only when there is a risk of losing everything that people suddenly panic and desperately start clinging onto life and all their worldly possessions. A roof over your head, bread on the table, shoes on your feet and good company is worth its weight in gold. Gratitude is often discovered not by gain, but by loss. People often foolishly grieve over material loss as well as those affairs of the heart. It’s all about priorities. Knowing what is important and what is not.

Magic is seeing the ‘extra’ in the ordinary.  Life is fragile and precious. No one knows just know how much time they have left. The clock is ticking for us all. Everything can change in a split second. Sunsets remind us that beauty only lasts for a few moments, and sunrises that a new day allows us to experience living once again. Distance will tell you the real meaning of closeness and missing someone. It will either reunite or keep you apart. Every chapter in your life is necessary for your growth and spiritual development.  It is all your experiences, collectively, that have brought you here to this point in time today. Filling a void by behaving recklessly won’t heal your broken heart and being single won’t kill you. Time alone is necessary if you are to ever know yourself.  Always stand proud and the world will gradually adapt and adjust to your needs.

The door to happiness opens from the inside out of your soul, not the outside of your world and in. All the answers you are seeking are already there, but first you must journey deeper within your heart to find them. In the end, the universe will hold us responsible for all the blessings that we rejected and refused to be grateful for. People who complain of boredom are, themselves, incredibly boring people. You only ignore the mundane at your own peril.

‘they’re not going to let you feel good for very long anywhere.
the forces aren’t going to let you sit around wasting time and relaxing.
you’ve got to do it their way.
the unhappy, the bitter and the vengeful need their fix
which is you or somebody anybody better yet
dead, dropped into some hole.
as long as there are human beings about there is never going to be
any peace for any individual upon this earth
(or anywhere else they might escape to).
all you can do is maybe grab ten lucky minutes here or maybe an hour there.
something is working toward you right now, and I mean you and nobody but you.’

Love and light,

Linda and the Lulas xxx

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