Linda Lancashire Psychic

Seize The Day

Hello Readers,

Today is a new day. Every day heralds a new beginning. The sun always rises to a day you have never seen before and will never see again. It’s another chance to resolve issues you struggled with yesterday and learn new ways of dealing with the challenges life presents you with on the never end roller coaster of existence.

Stop telling yourself the same old mantra, different day, same lie, same disappointments, no change because that belief will never bring you anything good, only more of the same. How many days has that outlook stolen from you so far ?Probably half your life, if not more. Seize the wonder and uniqueness of today by starting to live and breathe again, only this time, differently. Recognise that throughout this new, beautiful day that you have an incredible amount of opportunities and possibilities available to you to move your life into the direction you want it to go, provided you are prepared to make it happen . To succeed at anything, you have to want it enough. We can’t undo a single thing we have ever done, but we can make decisions today that will help to propel us towards the life we dream about and feel we so rightly deserve and towards the healing we so badly need.

When you arise in the morning, think of what a privilege it is to be alive, and at the end of the day, as the sun sets, let there be no excuses, no explanations and no regrets. It doesn’t matter what you did or where you were, all that matters is that you have tried your best. No matter what your history has been, your destiny is determined by what you create for yourself today.

Let today be the day you stop being haunted by the ghosts of yesterday. Holding grudges, harbouring anger and resentment is poison to the soul. Getting even with people is not the and answer. Forget them, instead spend time with those who have helped you and believed in you. Nurture your inner strength and realise that you are as good as the next person. Once you start loving and respecting yourself, others will show you the love and respect you deserve. Life is too short to wake up with regrets, so love the people who treat you well and forget about the ones who don’t. Believe that all things happen for a reason and that if you are fortunate enough to get a second chance, grab it with both hands. If it changes your life, let it be so. No one promised you that life would be easy, they just told you it would all be worth it in the end. Lead by example and become an inspiration to others by showing the world that all things are possible if you want it enough.

Life is big, beautiful huge and often scary. But you have to have a go on the magic roundabout and take your part of it. There’s a reason the saying is ‘Seize the day,’ not ‘Wait for it to come along at some point, whenever’.

Dare to Be

‘ When a new day begins, dare to smile gratefully.

When there is darkness, dare to be the first to shine a light.

When there is injustice, dare to be the first to condemn it.

When something seems difficult, dare to do it anyway.

When life seems to beat you down, dare to fight back.

When there seems to be no hope, dare to find some.

When you’re feeling tired, dare to keep going.

When times are tough, dare to be tougher.

When love hurts you, dare to love again.

When someone is hurting, dare to help them heal.

When another is lost, dare to help them find the way.

When a friend falls, dare to be the first to extend a hand.

When you cross paths with another, dare to make them smile.

When you feel great, dare to help someone else feel great too.

When the day has ended, dare to feel as you’ve done your best.

Dare to be the best you can’

At all times, Dare to be’.

Love and light,

Linda and Lulas xxx

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