Linda Lancashire Psychic

Sometimes The Things We Cannot Change End Up Changing Us Forever


Everyone will experience some kind of change in their lives. It is the one constant that never stops moving forwards, but not everyone is willing to go with it, preferring to remain clinging to the past because it’s all they know whilst fearing the future. However, one thing is for sure, nothing will remain the same no matter how much we would like them to because it’s just not possible. When a life transformation occurs, we have two choices in how to respond. We can either despair that a change has come and assume that things will be worse, or we can look forwards with excitement and anticipation at all the available opportunities for personal growth, emotional maturity and a deeper understanding and appreciation of the world around us.
People usually change for two reasons. Either they have learned a lot or been hurt too much. Whilst our world is shaking, toiling and crumbling, it’s important to understand that without change there cannot be any real progress. You never change anything by fighting and resisting the existing reality. To change something, to build a new model that makes the existing model look obsolete, it’s imperative to keep up with the times by embracing scientific research, inventions and discoveries which are constantly evolving and improving.
There is no point dwelling on the past because your history cannot be erased, but your future is yet to be written. There is nothing to be gained by associating with people who refuse to be more flexible, or at least be willing to look at situations from other perspectives. We are not responsible for the choices others make, but we can learn from our own past experiences and begin to speak a stronger dialogue. You cannot make a dog happy by forcibly wagging its tail, and you can’t change people’s minds by utterly refuting their arguments.
You cannot change how people treat you or what they say about you when your back is turned, but you can do is address how you react to circumstances as they present themselves. Worrying is worthless because it always spoils the moment. Grudges are a complete waste of happiness, so apologise when you should and try to laugh when you can. When people lack a sense of humour, lack respect for the feelings of others or because fearful, they end up upsetting themselves whilst letting good friendships go to waste. We are all entitled to our own opinions, and being over accommodating won’t make people suddenly love and respect us more, neither will they magically change their minds to suit our needs better. Never run after anyone, just leave them to their own devices. Not everyone is operating on your particular frequency, so leave things be and start pleasing yourself more.
All changes, even the most longed for, arrive with their own melancholia because what we leave behind is still a part of ourselves. We must leave one life before we can enter another. Our time is limited, so don’t waste it by living someone else’s life. Refuse to be trapped by prejudice and dogma, which is living with the results of other people’s reality. Disallow the noise of other opinions drown out your own inner voice, and most importantly, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. Your journey never ends because life has a way of altering things and circumstances in the most incredible ways and there are always new beginnings awaiting us.
‘You find nothing permanent Disappearance sudden after moment.
Will be called dead if no movement?
Life standstill with no comment
Leaves start falling in season.
Make the way for some reason.
New and fresh branches start to boom.
Flowers all over and no more gloom’.

Love and light,
Linda Lancashire xxx

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