Linda Lancashire Psychic

The Power of Self-reliance and Sufficiency


It all starts with self-sufficiency, self-love, self-care and self-respect. With this foundation in place, the rest of your positive characteristics can grow without limit. It’s a dangerous game to tie your sense of meaning and wellbeing to other people or something external because it nearly always ends up disappointing. When you fixate on things beyond your control you can become restricted, dependent, weak and almost immobilised which can very quickly introduce other dependencies that can put you into a state of anxiety, envy, or despair without much warning. And whilst it may not always be well received, voluntary hardship is an important tool for self-sufficiency, growth and personal development. Sometimes you just have to do all the hard groundwork, be prepared to be inconvenienced and take the long way round home because challenges and obstacles helps to build self-discipline, willpower and resilience. It can seem much easier to focus on other people’s problems, the latest gossip and all their dramas rather than be willing face your own uncomfortable truths, but all you are doing is running sea from the inescapable. Distractions are the crutches used to avoid facing ourselves and dealing with facts and issues that need addressing.

Always observe other people’s movements, behaviour, patterns and cycles. Their true character lies in their actions, not in their words, so don’t be fooled by false promises and diluted flattery. You cannot want things for people, they have to want them for themselves. Stop expecting those who are absent with themselves to be present for you because they are without substance amidst fickle gestures and false smiles. Some people were never meant to understand you because the higher powers didn’t grant them that grace. When someone is properly grounded in life, they shouldn’t have to look outside of themselves for approval. Those who do are constantly is seeking validation and attention because they don’t believe in themselves enough to stand tall and confidently. Learn to be indifferent to anything that is insignificant and makes no sense or difference to the quality of your life. The more you seek the uncomfortable, the more comfortable you will gradually become because you are stepping out of your comfort zone and stretching your imagination. Failure and deprivation are two of our greatest teachers because we learn to appreciate what we have and are blessed with so work with the tools you have to obtain the best results possible.

Those who seemingly have the most are often discontented because they are always wanting more. Never satisfied and always feeling empty inside. A gem cannot be polished without friction, nor a person perfected without experiencing the trials and tribulations of life. To be calm is the highest achievement of the self. The tranquillity that comes when you stop caring what others say, think or do will bring you the peace you are seeking. Just keep in mind that the more you value things outside of your control, the less control you will have internally. You can only conquer the world by conquering yourself first.

Stop telling yourself that you are lost, because you are not. At any given moment in time, you are exactly where you should be, not anywhere else. You are on a road which is taking you to the right destination with a few stop off points along the way. You are following the path of intuition with the universe guiding you every step of the way.  It can be hard to turn the page when you know that someone won’t appear in the next chapter, but there are certain things we must do alone, and the story must go on. Just do the right thing for yourself and keep going forwards. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. The willing are led by fate and the unwilling are reluctantly dragged along for the ride.

Energy is the currency of the universe. When you pay attention to something, you buy that experience, so always be selective in whatever you direct your attention towards by learning to live a good life by developing an inner strength and confidence in your ability to overcome adversity. The brighter the light, the darker the shadows. The days you are living now must happen to you because they are all part of your spiritual journey and awakening. Once you know and accept who you really are, that will be enough. By becoming less dependent on others for your every need, you will create a happier and more secure life whilst providing yourself with opportunities to demonstrate wisdom, compassion, and courage. Your capacity to give without expecting something in return is directly tied to your degree of self-worth and sufficiency. Always lead by setting a good example and choose your companions wisely.

Those who were seen dancing were disapproved of by those who couldn’t hear the music.

Love and light,

Linda and The Lulas xxx

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