Linda Lancashire Psychic

Those Who Achieve The Extraordinary Are Usually The Most Ordinary


Always speak of and to yourself as if to your most loving and dearest friend. Create a unique lifestyle that promises to care and protect you for all your days. Building such a strong and solid foundation provides you with the strength and resources to set the boundaries required to keep undesirables at bay whilst allowing you to grow and evolve healthily. Building bridges is the best defence against ignorance. Integrity is something we show, not proclaim. Taking care of your wellness and supporting your life completely is wisdom, not weakness.

Your work can last a lifetime, but you must guard against burning out with exhaustion and self-negligence. Never be fearful of refusing to accept certain invitations because they may be more tiring or troublesome than what they are really worth. Not every social gathering is suitable for your reputation or will promise to elevate your status. You are not being anti-social, but selective with the company you keep whilst keeping your best interests at heart. We are all judged by the company we keep because it symbolises the energy, we attract towards ourselves.

There isn’t enough room for both worry and anxiety at any one time, so make a point of dismissing the unnecessary as much as possible. Avoiding your responsibilities could be liable for it all to end badly, so take control of your decisions and subsequent actions. Deal with your business affairs professionally so that there is no room for conflict or confusion regarding accuracy and literacy. Nothing has ever been won, nor anything greatly achieved by people who are always on the run, chasing mirages and lost leaders. They mostly end up exhausted, broke and disillusioned.  You are not rich until you have something that money cannot buy.  Everything else loses its sparkle whilst devaluing and decaying over time back to dust and ashes. Choose your battles wisely, but most importantly, always be your own best friend because there is only one you. Positivity is a superpower and can change your life at an instance. You are what you think and become what you believe you are. What you seek is seeking you, so allow the universal energy to flow around you naturally. Everything happens when the time is right. Remember, you are your own boss and servant to no one.

This is your one precious life, and you are with yourself all the way to the very end of your life journey. We are born with nothing and will leave this world taking nothing to the next, so make your life a masterpiece because you will only get one chance to write your story and leave a legacy of hope behind for others.

Love and light,

Linda and the Lulas xxx

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