Linda Lancashire Psychic

Walk Your Walk, And Let People Talk


Pain changes people because it makes them trust less whilst shutting out certain people. Everyone has their reasons. Experience teaches the lessons in life that must be lived fully to be understood. Truth is as straight as an arrow, whilst a lie swivels like a snake slithering in the long grass. Nothing of any value nor worth having is ever without its complications, and there is a price to pay for everything. If you accept everything at face value and ambiguity, very little goes plain sailing or without the odd setback because rarely is anything as it seems. Things often become difficult when the truth is being deliberately distorted, and stories keep changing to suit the occasion.

You will never be able to situations with clarity if others attempt to influence your judgment with their own interpretations. It’s so easy to be influenced by the wrong people this finding yourself immersed in a delusional story stitched together from the crumbs of over analysed words. Exaggeration and bad communication is often the main cause of misunderstandings and relationship breakdowns. Life should not be wasted by keeping bad company. Love is rarely straightforward and often littered with self-doubts and insecurities. You get to a point where you are no longer phased by people leaving, where goodbye is just another word and tomorrow seems increasingly welcoming without all the dramatics to contend with.  Although reality can be difficult to accept, once you understand it, there is no going back to a life of lies which nearly drowned you in false hope.

The most complicated thing for some people is simplicity because it involves ridding themselves of both emotional and material clutter, stuff they were hanging on to that no longer served any real purpose.  They cling onto items and people they don’t need because they are afraid of losing control whilst dreading ending up alone.

Each day presents us with a new opportunity to start afresh. One of the greatest gifts that freedom offers is simply not caring what everyone else is doing or thinking. People cannot successfully compete with you because they are not you. Only you can live your life for yourself, and they must learn to live theirs. Occasionally you need to put a healthy distance between you and anything or anyone whose energy is toxic and unreliable. The best thing you can do is follow your gut instincts because they are there to help and protect you. Your intuition is the voice of your soul speaking to you. Success is not about where you are standing at any given point in time, it’s about how much you have learned to arrive at your destination today. No more time wasting, accepting pathetic excuses and definitely no more regrets. Start by streamlining your life so that you work more efficiently. If you are continually immersed in chaos and disorganisation, it’s usually a sign that you have much on your mind. Eventually you will come to find peace in harsh honesty because it’s the one thing you know to remain true in this world.

Sometimes not telling people anything is a good thing, and it’s ok if all you do today is survive.

July folklore.

‘According to popular folklore, “Ne’er trust a July sky”, and “If ant hills are high on this month, the coming winter will be hard!”.

Other folklore includes that:

“If the first of July it be rainy weather,

‘Twill rain more or less for four weeks together”.

Love and light,

Linda and the Lulas xxx

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