Linda Lancashire Psychic

What Becomes Timeless Was Once New

Hello Readers

Let’s not wait until the light fades into irreparable loss until we do something about making an impact or change. Stay in the loop and pursue the momentous flow of daily wonders and discoveries. Whatever comes, let it come, what stays let stay, what goes let go.

People who don’t construe their life and are forever dithering remain on the sidelines as an act without a story. They turn into and turn into an empty box always thinking about doing things, merely wishful thinking, avoiding decisions until one day it’s too late because they missed their chance to turn their lives around. There is an enormous difference between deciding to leave and knowing where to go. Perhaps if you had stayed, something inside of your soul would have been lost forever, something you could not afford to take a risk on. Trying to remember what happened is like a vague dream, a burning, unfulfilled desire, but one where there is no escape nor real closure.

Every time we make a decision to love someone, we open ourselves up to great suffering because those we love the most can often cause us not only great joy, but the worst possible pain imaginable. The greatest sorrow and heartbreaking wrench comes from leaving because you can never be fully sure that you will be reunited again. The pain of separation can tear us apart in ways no words can describe nor express, but if we avoid the suffering of leaving, or staying, we will never experience the joy of loving and togetherness. Love is stronger than fear, life stronger than death,  hope stronger than despair and it is our faith which keeps us alive. We have to trust that the consequences of loving are always worth the sacrifices, but to leave, after all, is not the same as being left.

It’s so hard to leave until you leave, and then it can be the easiest thing in the world to do. We try to hold onto people whilst until they gently slip away. So, we walk quietly out of the back door without causing any fuss or dramatics and then keep going forwards until we find what we have been missing all our life. What is done is done. Never turn back nor beg for love. There is no way you can hold onto something that wants to go because we don’t own anyone or anything. You can only love what you have got while you still have it. There are no forevers because everything is transient and in a state of gradual decay right from the very beginning. You get used to someone and start to like them, and then they leave. In the end, everyone leaves, even the dullest, powerful, passionate and interesting ones have somewhere else to go, just as we all do.

The world is nearly always buzzing with people, bright lights, news of happenings, winners and losers of society. It is possible to feel overwhelmed and swamped by all the conflicting emotions and confusion. You may just wish to withdraw to somewhere quieter where you can be alone with your thoughts and memories. Leave something for someone, but don’t leave someone for something. Always be a tad reserved and untouchable. Never let the light in on your magic and mystery. Save it all for yourself.

Everybody has to leave someday because nothing is forever. If you have to convince someone to stay with you, then they have already left. You will only return to one another if you are destined to.

‘Do not hold your breath for anyone,
Do not wish your lungs to be still,
It may delay the cracks from spreading,
But eventually they will.
Sometimes to keep yourself together
You must allow yourself to leave,
Even if breaking your own heart
Is what it takes to let you breathe.’

Love and light,
Linda and the Lulas xxx

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