Linda Lancashire Psychic

What Is Within Us Is Far More Powerful Than Anything External


True happiness is to enjoy the present, without anxious dependence upon the future or others to make our lives complete. The secret is to be satisfied with what we have, which is sufficient, for those of us who want for nothing. The greatest gifts and blessings are already within us and within our reach. All we must do is access them. A wise person is content with their lot, whatever it may be, without wishing for what they don’t have because none of it was meant for them. We all walk a different path and work through our own karma, whatever that may be.

What really tends to frighten and alarm so many people are not the external events themselves, but the way in which they think about them. It is never so much as things that disturbs them, but their interpretation of their significance. If you are ever distressed by anything external, the pain you feel is not due to the thing itself, but to your interpretation of it,  and perhaps without properly realising it, you have the power to revoke any negativity at any moment. It’s all a matter of choosing what to allow or disallow. Never listen to the clatter and chatter of noisy gossips because they speak out of turn always wanting to cause trouble and drama. Always laugh at those who think they can damage you because in truth , they cannot. They do not know who you are and neither they do know what you think about.  They don’t have the power to even touch the things which are really yours and how you choose to live.

There is a world which exists within your soul that you probably never even properly acknowledged. It’s a world full of thought, feeling, light, beauty and power and although almost invisible,  its forces are spectacular and if used wisely, life changing. We are all far more powerful than we have been led to believe. Always walk tall in your power and never be tempted to give it away, not even for a moment. No one is worthy of your friendship if they show signs of insincerity. Only we alone are responsible for our own thoughts, actions and consequences, no one else is entitled to that honour, and neither should they be. All true authority comes from within the depths of your soul.

People who are unaware of their power or refuse to believe in themselves will always succumb to the manipulative skills of others by allowing themselves to be controlled by them.  It’s only excuses and avoidances of the truth that prevents some people from tapping into the miraculous strength and power that lies beneath the surface. It’s important to get in touch with your inner self because that is where your strength and wisdom resides.  Concentrate every living, breathing moment on doing what is in front of you with precise and genuine seriousness, tenderly, willingly and by releasing yourself from all other uninvited distractions. The sun doesn’t shine on us, but within us. You have to rely on whatever sparks you have inside to keep going in a good direction.

‘Look well into thyself; there is a source of strength which will always spring up if thou wilt always look’.

Love and light,

Linda and the lulas xxx



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