Linda Lancashire Psychic

You Can Have It All, Just Not All At Once


Whatever your circumstances may happen to be, always accept your responsibilities and leave others to attend to theirs. In most cases, the only element that is truly within your control is your own character and subsequent choices and responses. How other react is not your problem. You may try to influence other aspects, but they won’t always be within your reach. Perhaps they are not meant to be, but you can always show resolve and equanimity towards any challenges that may test your strength and patience.

Walking a spiritual path is not an easy journey, it wasn’t designed to be because, after all, what would you learn along the way if everything was that simple? Life is always going to be difficult , happy, sad, full of twists and turns, unexpected surprises and other people’s strange behaviours. There may be occasions when you seriously question your own sanity and reasons for doing what you do, but everything has to be the way it is for everyone. We must all learn to survive. We will either succeed or fail, the choice is ours. Everyone’s path is unique and imprinted with the special spirit and gifts of an individual life.  Together our paths tell the story of our deep, soulful capacity to flourish and grow when under threat, or perhaps in some cases not. Our ability to dig deeper, to discover what matters and to share the fruits of our labour and knowledge with others is what enables us to thrive and evolve, but all this takes time. Our journey is often flooded with tears as life just doesn’t make any sense and not much seems fair, yet we still carry on.

Never rush nor push anything. Resist making emotional decisions because haste makes waste. Take your time, keep going because persistence is the key. Sturdy plants grow amidst strong winds and hostility, and so shall you. Follow your path because in time you will become stronger and wiser for the experience. The road to spiritual enlightenment and the realisation of who you are, and your life purpose is long, difficult and arduous journey. People will do almost anything, no matter how absurd, in order to avoid facing the truth about themselves because it’s too painful. Denial may temporarily suit them better, but it won’t solve anything.

Enlightenment is the doing away with Illusions and delusions whilst opening our eyes to what is true and what is false. Do not search for happiness outside of yourself because the awakened and the wise seek wisdom and inner peace within.

Eventually you will realise just how much you have changed whilst others were still napping, or perhaps hidden away out of sight,  out of the way of all the glare and confusion surrounding them. Never crave attention nor immediate results because they will surely come, but not always when you want them to. Show a resignation towards your destiny. Take a more difficult route which tests your patience under fire and a magnifying glass whilst examining your character. There is always room for improvement. Follow your heart and in time you, too will gather the fruits of a life worthwhile by showing a stoical attitude towards your fate. This is not an expression of hope, but a statement of belief.

‘It is never too late or too soon. It is when it is supposed to be
Nothing is too late until the tired heart shall cease to palpitate’.

Love and light,

Linda and the Lulas xxx

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