Linda Lancashire Psychic

Acceptance Is Not The Same As Submission


Everything is within your power, and your power is within you. No one else can live your life nor walk your path instead of you and neither can you walk theirs. Submission is the willingness to give up our right to think for ourselves. We are all servants, but the question is who will we serve? Somebody is always waiting on the other side of your obedience.

A universe without change would not exist because change is necessary for the formation of anything and everything. Our mind wants to keep its habits and its ability to anticipate our environment and what lurks behind every dark corner. It takes a lot of time and energy to be aware of what is happening around us, so an ordered and mundane routine allows us to be more efficient and helps to reduce stress in areas that can sometimes cause the most anxiety.  It is when familiarity is threatened that it also threatens us with the unknown. The risk that our daily routine could fall apart at any moment and that the world as we know it could be replaced with new challenges and problems, requiring us to become acclimatised to a new life balance which can prove to be the most difficult, and at times, unthinkable. The sheer strain of anticipation of the unknown can cause some very deep and uncomfortable feelings of fear and panic. Understandably, we often suffer greatly in the expectation of change and what may follow in its aftermath. The fear of something sinister happening to us or around us is responsible for causing a shift in our thinking, actions and personal expression. This often happens when there is the form of a loss of one sort or another together with something we are forced to let go of, even though we don’t feel ready to do so. It is only within our ability to cope with change that makes up a good part of how strong and resilient we can be in the face of adversity.

People often fail because they don’t know what to do to improve their circumstances, or they know what to do but are just not doing it. Either way you can take action and change your life if you really want to, but of course, everything is a choice. Even the smallest change in your thinking can lead to massive alterations which will affect the result of your circumstances. We digest and absorb information, energy and auras into our spirit without even realising it. Whatever you think about, focus on, read about and talk about because you are going to attract more of into your life, so make sure that your thoughts are all as positive as possible.

Liberate yourself from the destructive or unhelpful beliefs and opinions forced upon you by others because they are almost guaranteed to overwhelm you. Allow into this space your own reality and ideas which warrant genuine recognition for your ability to think outside the box. Each time you let someone change your mind, you let them rob you of your certainty whilst demolishing your confidence. Whether you choose to move on from your struggles and enjoy life, or waddle in your misery, life will still continue with or without you. If you would like to change the outcome of a recurring issue, you are well advised to alter your responses first and then the way you handle challenges as they present themselves. It could be an unconscious unwillingness to see an emotional situation in its true light that is causing you to react with resistance, hence when you take steps to deal with the problem, your efforts are mostly directed at sweeping it away in denial rather than resolving the problem.

Acceptance is of vital importance in dealing with the inevitability of change. If we learn to accept change as an intrinsic part of nature and take responsibility to face it and the challenges it brings, we can dramatically improve our resilience to it. We can choose to either accept or resist but must be prepared for the consequences of our decisions. Don’t wait for the world to change, instead, change your mind about the rest of the world. Always be extra careful in whom you confide your secrets because when situations change, sometimes so do people. The difference between a good life and a bad life is how well you walk through the fire, so choose to live quietly and under the radar basking in the knowledge of knowing that you are in control of your own destiny.


‘In Order to Rise
From its Own Ashes,
a Phoenix Must First Burn.’


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