Linda Lancashire Psychic

Invisibility Is A Superpower


Everyone has three lives. A public life, a private life and a secret life.  Private lives are more important to some people than public reputations because what goes on behind closed doors is sacred. The less people know about you, the less they can say about you and the more intriguing to them you become. By keeping your own counsel there won’t be any unnecessary dramas. The more of your private life you publish the public domain, the more vulnerable you become. Once you expose your innermost self just one little bit, the floodgates suddenly open and everyone’s got a free range for you.  In this day and age where the whole world is happily displaying and posting every single detail of their life on social media, privacy has become a luxury. Not everyone needs to know everything about you, unless you want them to. Knowing what to share and what to keep under the radar is an important communication skill to learn and use. Healthy relationships do not require bragging about or the need to seek reassurances and validation.

Privacy and silence is power because people cannot ruin what they don’t know. You are not a recluse, but selective in your choices of friends and companions. You will always be the most emotionally stable when your personal life is peaceful and without any disturbances. Our privacy can serve as a form of protection during times of crisis whilst offering a polite boundary of respect and good manners during times of tranquillity. Everyone needs sacred, uninterrupted spaces, if only within the depths of their own soul where no one else is allowed access without an invitation. Gatecrashes are not welcome because there is no room for them. Just keep in mind that the more we value things outside of our control, the less control we have over things that closer to us. Tranquillity descends when we stop caring about the opinions of others.  Concern yourself only with what is relevant to your cause. Who you are in public is a test of your conviction, but who you are in private illustrates your integrity.

There is no perfection, only beautiful versions of brokenness. We stand together whilst we stand alone, but privacy and discretion must always be our top priority. Keep your secrets safe and never let your guard down. What you speak about today you may regret later. Information must always be on a need-to-know basis because the bottom line is always gossip. The secret of having a personal life is not answering too many questions about it, so stay quiet and keep them guessing.

‘You’ve opened the door
of my personal being
where the depth of me
has remained hidden
Careful from this point on
crossing the threshold into
a realm unknown even as I
know not your heart
Unveiled, the light shinning
from deep within, the power
my life comes from, I am more
than your eyes behold, come enter into my sanctuary’

love and light,

Linda and the Lulas xxx

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