Linda Lancashire Psychic

Living Through Your Darkest Days

Hello Readers,

One day you will look back and see that all along you were making steady progress. It may not seem like much to some people, but for you, just getting this far has been comparable to climbing the highest mountain on this earth. Be willing to share your stories and experiences with others because they could be the key to someone’ else’s survival guide.

Nothing is ever trivial nor wasted. Every experience is meant to be to teach you something important. Each tiny step that is taken is significant in your mental, emotional, physical and spiritual development and healing process.

Getting from A to B can be excruciating and often takes a long time, but as long as you can see and feel daily progress, then you are travelling in the right direction. The worst thing you can do is compare yourself to others, imagining that their lives are perfect and that they are living the dream. Don’t kid yourself.

All people have their own private worries and concerns, and everyone has their own cross to bear no matter how much money they have or how they may laugh out aloud. It’s usually all a facade for everyone else’s benefit whilst they are trying to convince themselves they are better than you and everyone else. Just concentrate on your world and what is going on within its walls.

No matter what your circumstances or what struggles you are battling with right now, eventually, light will always interrupt and penetrate your personal darkness allowing the sun to shine upon you again.

Love and Light,
Linda and The Lulas xxx

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