Linda Lancashire Psychic

Are You Just Marking Time Whilst Life Rockets Past?

Hello Readers,

When the future looks dark, don’t panic too much because it does not yet exist. By thinking deep and hard, you may come up with a brilliant solution, but some people spend a very long time talking without actually doing anything. Waffle is the breakfast of time wasters.

Indecisive and dithering people are the most troublesome and frustrating type of individuals to deal with. They say one thing but mean another, and then not even that. The worst thing is to have all that clout and not know your own mind. Having made a decision, do not revise it unless some new fact or information comes to your knowledge. Nothing is so exhausting as indecision, and nothing is so futile. A decision unmade is still a decision. It won’t go away, neither will problems or more options. Money isn’t the solution to your worries and woes; it only lets you carry your unhappiness around in style. You may have already noticed that some people don’t do anything much with their lives except romanticise whilst prematurely ageing and decaying with indecision.

Policy making invariably involves taking measured risks in the face of uncertainty. True leadership must show strength and resilience, otherwise all respect vanishes into thin air. All indecision is like a slow poison and there is no knowing how deeply or damaging it will penetrate into even the most loyalist of persons. Weak minded people are so easily buffeted by shifts of thoughts and moods, not knowing from one day to the next what they truly feel, chopping and changing their mind in lots of extraordinary ways that yet another wrong move could so easily be the last straw to break trust and support.

Level-headed people see everything with clarity. They are relaxed, perform with a quiet mind without indecision nor doubts. They can almost anticipate what is going to happen because they can read their surroundings well. They are totally absorbed and focused with what they are doing and don’t require nannying nor cajoling into doing the sensible thing. They follow their instincts and know their own mind. They are the listeners of this world.

The trouble with U-turns is that every time you make one you become weaker and weaker still once people start losing trust and confidence in you. So why hover in the mid-course, non-committed, yet insistent on being so whilst waiting to see what everyone else is doing.

If not later, when? If you don’t know which way to go in the middle of a bridge, you had better enjoy the bridge because you are well and truly stuck there. Sometimes the solution comes only when you stop being influenced by external voices and all their false promises and enjoy the present whilst making a better job of things. If a person stands for nothing, what will they do when they fall? You will never meet a strong person with a simple past.  The ability to recognise one’s own limitations in life is very important. Every dreamer has to wake up eventually.

‘Trust in the wisdom of your undecided heart.
Trust in your unknowing, love. Have faith in the space of indecision.
There is wisdom here,
just as there is when you are bold and steady and sure.
Take your time here.
Be gentle.
Coax out your truth,
and be willing to wait
for the answer to come.
It will.
It always does. Until then, even the indecision has lessons to teach.’

Love and light,

Linda and the Lulas xxx

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