Linda Lancashire Psychic

Give Yourself Permission To Rest, Restore and Revive

Hello Readers

We all know how crazy the world is these days and how stressful things are. Just getting through a day is a major feat of strength and working miracles. Anxieties and worries keep building up with little or no signs of respite. It’s usually one thing after another, yet we are told we are strong and will be alright, even though others can see we are clearly drowning under the pressure of responsibilities and demands made upon our time. We have all been there and many of us still are there, which is why it’s important to create a few moments of time for yourself whenever possible. It’s time to stop caving in and succumbing to other people’s emotional blackmail and manipulation. Some individuals are simply not worth your time nor sacrificing your mental health for because basically they don’t really care. If they did, they would be more considerate of your feelings and needs more. Sometimes the more you give, the more they take and want, and the less you get back in return. Rarely is anything ever enough. More wants more and greed wants the lot.

Caring for yourself is not self-indulgence, it is self-preservation and essential if you are to survive war, famine and turbulence. Knowing how to be solitary is central to the art of loving yourself . When we can be alone, we can also be content with others without using them as a means of escape or an emotional prop. Just when you feel you have no time to relax, know that this is the moment you most need to make time to rest and recuperate.

Solitude is where you rest and awaken your inner soul. Peace is not always easy to grasp or practice because the mind is always playing out events, past and future. In the process of attaining and protecting it, you may find yourself tired, fatigued and uncertain as to how to keep yourself safe and sane. Just because you take breaks doesn’t mean you’re broken; it means that you understand and value the sheer necessity of it. You cannot help others until you first help yourself. You cannot serve from an empty vessel. Spending time alone in your own company reinforces your self-worth and is often the best way to replenish your resilience reserves. The body can endure practically anything. Pain, exhaustion, disabilities, imprisonment, but it’s the mind that matters the most.

You cannot breathe life into something that refuses to inhale.

Have patience with all things, but most of all, with yourself.

Love and light,
Linda and the Lulas xxx

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