Linda Lancashire Psychic

Love All, Trust Few


And when at last you find someone to whom you can pour out your heart and soul shares your deepest hopes and fears, you can easily be taken aback in shock at the words you dare to utter. Being so open and transparent can make you feel exposed and vulnerable because of what you have revealed about yourself and of your thoughts.
Confessions and guilty secrets are often best left unsaid. Leave things be, and refrain from poking the sleeping bear. What the mind doesn’t know, the heart cannot grieve over. Some things must be kept hidden away in the safety of darkness. A little bit of knowledge imparted to the wrong people can often be dangerous.  It takes inner strength to remain silent, and a great deal of self-discipline to remain in control. You can only share so much because there are still those private, intimate parts of you that must be kept away from prying eyes and unscrupulous beings.

Rarely is anything as it seems. People’s lives are often sugar coated and veneered for the benefit of their curious audience. They want to impress, but rarely succeed because eventually the truth about their circumstances, motives and character soon surface, and that’s when they suddenly pack their bags and do a disappearing act. Whilst ever people are allowed to get away with fabricating or elaborating the truth , glamourising themselves as they weave their mystical tales of adventure and fantasy, enticing you into their web of make belief and deceit, they won’t hasten to stop because their stories make them sound great, special and more interesting, when in reality they can be quite listless, ordinary, somewhat dull and without much substance.

The beginning of a beautiful relationship is to let those we love to be perfectly, authentically themselves. Put into practice the resolution not to twist nor mould anyone because that may well break them. If in loving them we do not accept what and who they are, then we do not fully understand nor appreciate them. Friendship is built on two things, respect and trust. Both elements have to be present, and it must be mutual. You can have respect for someone, but if you don’t have any trust, the friendship will crumble to nothingness.

Laugh, even when you are too exhausted, and the tears are blurring your vision. Sleep, even when you are afraid of what the night dreams might bring and keep walking even when it feels as though you cannot go on any further. Your capacity for survival is far greater than you think. When the memories of bygone years touch your heart, remember that the pain of all your experiences are a combination of experiences that have made you who you are today. Without your history you are just an empty page, a blank notebook, a missing lyric and almost invisible. No one knows you are there, and many won’t care. What makes you brave and courageous is your willingness to face reality and hold your head up high in the face of fear and adversity. You are stronger now than ever before because you have kept your faith and have never lost hope.

Any person who cannot defend you in your absence, will do nothing to protect your vulnerability in the future, so choose your friends wisely. Words are cheap, actions speak louder. For there to be betrayal there would first have to have been trust, so the best way to know if you can trust somebody is to trust them. And then watch and see what they do next.

Trust not what you hear nor see, but trust what you feel.

I’m scared to trust now.
I had my trust broken many times before.
I was left a broken girl.
I still am broken inside.
I simply cannot trust.
It’s not you it’s me.
My trust can’t be broken again.
So, don’t ask me to trust.
Cos, I can’t do it.
I’m too scared to trust’.

Love and light,
Linda and the Lulas xxx

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