Linda Lancashire Psychic

That Sanguine Expectation Of Happiness


Change is necessary for existence. Without change we cannot grow, develop, experience, build relationships, form friendships, overcome challenge, suffer, feel pride, love, anger, fear or motivation. We often suffer in anticipation of change. The very thought of it can lead to overthinking, doubting our ability to cope or deal with the challenges that come with having to make a decision and generally making mountains out of mole hills. If we learn to accept change as an intrinsic part of nature and take responsibility to face it and all the challenges it brings, we can dramatically improve our resilience to it and live a far happier and calmer life.

There are two ways to face the future. One way is with apprehension and the other is with anticipation. Worry is a morbid anticipation of events yet to happen, most of which never take place. People go to their graves worrying about stuff that never happens. They spend their whole lives living in fear with very little pacifying them whilst constantly fretting about the opinions of others. Our worst misfortunes rarely happen, and most miseries lie in the anticipation of them happening. Many people live in dread of what is coming next and what may not. They often remain frozen to the spot in fear refusing to listen to sense.

The unknown puts adventure into life whilst the tantalisation of the unexpected gives a sense of anticipation and surprise. Such is the state of life that few are happy but by the suggestion of change. They want a different life without having to change anything, and so they sit around waiting for something that doesn’t exist. The change in itself is nothing much really once it has taken place, but by then the next step is to change it yet again. Dissatisfaction and disillusionment is always invariably present in most conversations. Wisdom comes with the realisation that what is meant to will be, and to slow down the pace of expectation. What we become anxious about seldom occurs and what we least expect generally happens and all of these occurrences can have a profound impact upon our daily lives and relationships.

There are some things that must be waited for a lifetime just for the privilege of experiencing their uniqueness, and for some people, nothing much ever happens at all because they are unable to appreciate nor accept how fortunate they are. Of all the hardships and anxieties, a person has to face, none can be more punishing than the simple act of waiting. The build-up of the tension and pressure whilst waiting can be excruciatingly painful. In some cases, the idea of waiting for something makes it all the more attractive, appealing and exciting. The present hour of joy should run at half the speed of those long hours of waiting, but nothing lasts forever, not even waiting. Patience is a virtue, but few have enough of it.  A moment can seem endless, almost forever, but realistically it was probably only half that. Anticipating pain can feel like enduring it twice, so why not anticipate pleasure instead? It’s not always easy to think that way when all you are doing is waiting and the imagination is running riot. We need the sweet pain of waiting to tell us we are really alive. It keeps our mind and senses alert whilst pushing us towards the edge of something indescribably beautiful or the complete opposite.

Currently, you may be spending your time and energy feeling concerned with a matter that looks challenging, if not impossible. You could be worried about coming up with strategies for an issue that hasn’t occurred yet to the point that you even have sleepless nights. Perhaps you consider one important thing, a possibility that this obstacle won’t take place. The situation you have envisioned will either never happen, or it won’t be as powerful as you think.

‘Well, said Pooh, what I like best,’ and then he had to stop and think. Because although Eating Honey was a very good thing to do, there was a moment just before you began to eat it which was better than when you were, but he didn’t know what it was called’.

The power of anticipation.

Love and light,
Linda and the Lulas xxx

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